
Best funny sms text messages and jokes collection

Category: Friendship Messages for all

A large text message collection of friendship sms, friendship sms messages, friends sms, free friendship sms, friendship sms quotes, latest friendship sms, Friendship is like a Pillow. When you’re tired, you relax on it; When you’re sad, you sheds tear on it; When you’re angry, you punch it; And when you’re happy, Friendship sms in English, good friendship sms collection produced recently for mobile users. Awesome e-library of all kinds of heart touching friendship sms.

Roses are pink, as pink as your lips

Roses are pink
as pink as your lips

stars are bright
as bright as your eyes

Apples are red
as red as your cheeks

Snow is white
as white as your teeth

Dew is fresh
as fresh as your face

Night is black
as black as your hair

Breeze is soft
as soft as your voice

Dawn is warm
as warm as your touch

The sky is beautiful
as beautiful as you

And the world is good
as good as your heart

so i m lucky u r my friend

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