
Best funny sms text messages and jokes collection

Category: Misleading SMS

By “double meaning or misleading sms” we refer to those messages which are twisted and tends to be different than somebody can think of. Explore Latest Collection of Misleading SMS here. The following words best describe this page. Misleading SMS, Misleading Text Messages. Enjoy reading & rating our misleading sms messages collection:)

Only you were selected

My eyes detected
My heart reacted
Thousand were rejected &
Only you were selected.
Because I needed a monkey
for an advertisement.

If ever I was rude to u

If ever I was rude to u,
If ever I was angry with u,
If ever I misbehaved with u,
then don’t hesitate,


mistake aap ki hi hogi :p

Yar I trusted you so much

Yar I trusted you so much
but ur mouth is never shut.
Why did u tel otherz my secrets?
U really disappointed me,
plz stop telling everybody that,
I’m so CUTE.

Your 5 qualities

Ur 5 qualities:






Agar zindagi main kabhi
koi acha kam kia hota
to aj ye jaga khali na hoti

Meri tarah perfect

I never forget my sincere friends
when i see some faults in them
i keep patient & just realize that
“ab har koi meri terha perfect
tou nahi ho sakta na” ;)

Jahan dekho, tum hi tum

Dil me tum

Dharkan me tum

Asman me tum

Zamen me tum

Ankhon me tum

jahan dekho

Tum hi tum

Dettol wali aunty sach kehti hain

JARASEEM her jaga hote hain.

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